The MAD Survey
Our GTO MUSE Atlas of Disks (MAD) has obtained 2-D integral-field spectra for a large representative sample of z = 0 star-forming disk galaxies with known structural and colour properties from HST imaging. MAD will simultaneously achieve much higher spatial resolution, denser sampling and greater depth than any other program of 2-D spectroscopy on such systems. By mapping their stellar and gaseous kinematics and absorption/emission line properties (stellar populations, metallicity, dust extinction, SFRs, ISM properties) at ~ 100pc resolution out to up to two scale lengths, MAD will establish the dynamical state of inner disks and pseudobulges and their star-formation histories, detect gas in/outflows, shocks, kinematic and chemical/population signatures of accretion events, reveal connections between baryonic and dark matter halo properties — dramatically advancing our understanding of how disk galaxies grow in size and mass with cosmic time.
The first accepted paper from the survey is Erroz-Ferrer et al. (2019). There, information about the survey (target selection, reduction steps) and ionized gas properties can be found.